Alcohol Addiction Treatment Principles
The treatment of alcohol addiction is based on three critical aspects; the physiological, psychological and social complexities of the disease. In the first phases of treatment, we primarily focus on the detoxification processes. Our highly effective detoxification methods include plasmapheresis (the withdrawal of whole blood from the body, separation of one or more components, and returned by transfusion), laser therapy, and transcranial electrostimulation (electric dream). In the initial stages of treatment, this specific treatment period ranges from 8 – 10 days.
The treatment methods allow our patients to rid their bodies of the physical addiction to alcohol, to regain their emotional and physical strength, and in the short term, reestablish the balance between the sections of the nervous system. A highly qualified team of specialized psychologists and psychotherapists accompany patients throughout the entire treatment process. They hold individual and group sessions during the second stage of the treatment. The sessions teach patients new techniques of communication, how to comprehend the experience and provide them with the essential tools needed for re-socialization processes.
Psychotherapeutic treatment methods are grounded in evidence-based clinical studies. Data indicates psychotherapeutic treatment methods are most effective in overcoming addiction when patients’ reach a deeper understanding of their own personal qualities and are able to identify obstacles along their paths towards recovery.
In the final treatment stage of alcohol addiction, patients can be given a choice (a choice will be granted if approved by our medical staff). The two choices are Pilgrimage or Stress Energy Therapy (SEPT). The Pilgrimage is a journey, an experience that tests both one’s physical and mental abilities. Upon completion of the Pilgrimage, a patient soars to new spiritual levels of self-exploration and self-evaluation.
In order for our addiction treatment methods to have long lasting effects, our medical staff at MCN wholeheartedly believe in a holistic treatment approach. Central to effectively treating and overcoming addiction not only targets the psychological and physical state of the body, but the spiritual state as well.
A patient’s spiritual transformation empowers him/her with compassion and confidence to build a new life founded on sobriety. A patient’s personal and spiritual growth experienced during the treatment process is an integral part of the recovery processes.
MINDCRAFTING, a treatment program which focuses on the patients’ spiritual transformation. The site of the program is Ak Tengir, a village of yurts located on the shores of Lake Issyk-Kul. Upon completion of the program, patients are rejuvenated with self-confidence to overcome life’s obstacles and re-adapt calmly back in society.