Due to the unique method of Nazaraliev 15 thousand people were cured from addiction for past 17 years. Moreover, they were able to eliminate the physical as well as psychological addiction.
- How many clinics following your method is needed to be opened in Russia today to effectively counter the threat of drug and alcohol and where they are need to be opened?
- It is necessary to establish the clinics in all major regions of the country. Ural, Siberia, the Far East, southern regions. And, of course, in Moscow. That is about 4-5 clinics, plus 2-3 rehab centers.
- How effective are the measures being taken in Russia today? Can we call them complex, system-based?
- Most of the measures, forces and means are aimed mainly at preventing alcohol and drug abuse, the fight against illicit drug trafficking. This is really very important. Unfortunately, not enough attention is paid to those who are already addicted to drugs and alcohol. There are a lot of them. They can be assisted and we should help them. Alas, the treatments used today in Russia, are not perfect. The fact is - there is no systematic approach. They are based, as a rule, only on the elimination of physical addiction. While, a little attention is paid to the PSYCHOLOGICAL addiction. And that is precisely the reason why the patient is not completely healed!
- What is the character of your method? What do you have and what others do not?
First of all, the system and individual approach to each case. We do not follow the conveyor means. And most importantly - we do not just cleanse the body. No matter how you cleanse the blood and liver of the patient from the drug mud, after removing physical dependence, he remains the same person as he had previously been. In terms of attitude to life, systems of values. As a result, there relapse takes place in two or three months. We also cure the mind. Because the psychological addiction appears to be the most difficult to treat. Our method is focused on eliminating it by a number of serious psych techniques in the Mindcrafting - complex rehabilitation program. The main work with the mind takes place here. It allows the patient to see his position in society and attitudes towards drugs with a new point of view. It is necessary to create a new value system, to redirect a patient to a normal life to cure him. Not by means of external persuasion, once again I’ll be repeated, psychic techniques stand as tools that change a person within. This is the way my method distinguishes from the rest.
- The lack of a systematic approach in Russia comes from a misunderstanding of the problem? From inability? Or reluctance to solve it?
- I think all equally - the unwillingness and inability. Private clinics seek money. Like it or not, it is a business for them. Therefore, the patient is limited with two or three weeks of treatment. Most patients simply can’t afford longer treatment. And the treatment is stopped at a time when the patient runs out of money. It comes out that people are not treated to the end due to financial reasons. And in public institutions much ossified, new approaches are being introduced hardly. This system is still following the old Soviet world outlook.
- They say you attract to treat patients' relatives? For what?
- We were the first in the world to apply the technique of hospitalization when the member of the family is treated along with the patient. It can be a mother, father, wife, sister, brother. They are placed in the same room during the course of treatment and always stay together with the patient. We call them co-dependents. These people are the best medical assistants. A lot of things do depend on them, they observe, they listen. They help medical workers. They may stay 24/7 with the patient unlike doctors. Even co-dependents need treatment due to the nervous stresses appeared during their stay with patients. We treat family and the patient simultaneously enhancing the family ties.