It took over 20 years to develop and perfect treatment technology in order to receive highest scientific recognition in Russian Federation.
June 7, 2011 in Moscow, the Joint Meeting of the Scientific Council on Addiction of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS) and the Scientific Council of the National Research Center on Addiction, on which MD, Professor JB Nazaraliev made a vast scientific report representing his author's method of treatment and rehabilitation for patients with alcoholism and drug addiction. According to author’s research, Professor convincingly proves the true value and uniqueness of the method of treatment, which he followed with a late 80 - ies of the last century.
of the Joint Meeting of the Scientific Council on Narcology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS) and the Academic Board of the National Research Center of Narcology (NRCN) of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation as of June, 7 2011 (Moscow)
In attendance were: 52 members of Scientific Council, Academic Board and task groups (att.#1)
E.A. Koshkina – Chairman of the Academic Board, Director of NRCN, M.D., Professor
I.P. Anohina – Chairman of Scientific Council on Narcology of RAMS, Deputy Director for Science, Academician of RAMS, M.D., Professor
V. Y. Drobysheva – Academic Secretary of Scientific Council on Narcology of RAMS, leading researcher, candidate of biological sciences
“The stress therapy in combined program of rehabilitation of drug addicts”
Scientific Council on Narcology of RAMS and Academic Board of NRCN upon hearing and discussing the report of prof. J.B. Nazaraliev, resolved:
Chairman of the Academic Board, Director of NRCN, M.D., Professor E.A. Koshkina
Chairman of Scientific Council on Narcology of RAMS,
Deputy Director for Science, Academician of RAMS, M.D., Professor I.P. Anohina
Academic Secretary of Academic Board on Narcology of RAMS V.Y. Drobysheva
Original document in Russian:
For the older generation of the post-Soviet space, Doctor Nazaraliev is remembered as the founder of the first non-state Medical Center for treatment of drug and alcohol addiction in the USSR. For 24 years of his medical practice, he has treated more than 16,000 patients suffering drug and alcohol abuse in his clinic, earning the unique title “Doctor Life”. Professor's plan is aimed to heal the sickness of addiction around the world, regardless of their place of residence and social status, as well as global primary prevention, early detection and treatment of drug addiction - a pledge of a healthy future not only in Russia, but the entire population of the Earth.