Collectively, Dr. Nazaraliev and his associates have published more than 100 scientific articles based on the treatment methods practiced and performed in the rehabilitation center. In addition, several PhDs scholarly works and five Doctoral theses have been successfully defended.
The scientific bases of organization and quality in the treatment provided to patients and the system of medical and social rehabilitation in a non-governmental narcological institution are discussed in the doctoral these of V. Bauer (1998) and Y.S. Yusupov (2002). In addition, a significant volume of qualitative data examining methods of experimentation and patient treatment has been collected. The collection of data remains ongoing in order to examine and analyze the most effective treatment methods and approaches to insure the highest quality of heath care is provided to our patients.
Dr. Nazaraliev’s own scientific experimentation and research published by respected colleagues have influenced his position on the mechanisms that aid the development of addiction and our approach to treat drug and alcohol addiction. Moreover, a system of treatment technology has been developed and a functional management model has been created for this technology.
Many of the patients we admit are addicted to opiates. Dr. Nazaraliev has co-authored a number of scientific articles that examine the influence of morphine intoxication on the human physiology and the effectiveness of interoception in the treatment of withdrawal symptoms. Moreover, experimental research conducted by our scientists focus on illustrating to what extent high doses of alcohol influence the endocrine organs of laboratory animals (rats) in low and high mountain conditions. The results of this experimental clinical research have been published, providing the basis for a scientific approach to the correction of applied therapy, and for practical application of modern pharmacological achievements.
Paying particular attention to the cholinergic system in the pathogenesis of drug and alcohol addiction, we have carried out clinical analyses of the influence provided by atropine doses on the functional systems of patients in the course of the atropine Central Cholinolitic Blockade (CCHB).
The materials of these research projects have become the basis for the "Treatment of the Opium Withdrawal Syndrome."